S.P. Brown has a new author interview up! This time he interviewed Jeff DeMarco, writer of post-apocalyptic thriller fiction. The interview contains information on how to communicate with and find Jeff and an awesome Q&A where we really dig deep into the mind of the author.
You'll also find a 500-word excerpt of Jeff's latest masterpiece, Tread: Fallen Nation.

Synopsis of Tread:
In the years of the second Civil War, and before the great tribulation, hope failed in the darkest of times. Staff Sergeant Evan Decker is an EOD tech returning from war. The country he’s returned to bears no resemblance to the one he remembers. A virus has ravaged the population, as millions have died, the communication infrastructure is disabled, leaving the nation cut off, Washington D.C. is gone, wiped off the map. But who is responsible? In the chaos, civilians and inner city gangs have risen up; at war with police and military forces, martial law has been declared. Ordered to do the unthinkable, Evan is at odds with his leaders; follow orders and become a murderer or attempt escape, risking both death and dishonor. Follow Evan as he uncovers the conspiracy to enslave the United States, and risks all for the woman he’s growing to love.
Read the interview and book excerpt by clicking the link here: